From the course: Travel Photography: Rome

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A challenge indoors

A challenge indoors

- The old building that you can see behind me, sort of peeking between these other buildings, is my favorite building in all of Rome. Whenever I bring someone to visit this building the Pantheon in the heart of Rome, we invariably seem to approach from the back side of the building, and that's the side you can see here. You see all of the old exposed bricks. Some of it is crumbling apart. You see plants growing out of it. You do get a sense that there is a dome up on top, but this building from the back doesn't really give you a sense of the grandeur that you can expect when you get around to the front and especially when you get inside. This is really just a magnificent building. One of the unique things about it is that it has a porch on the front, if you will, with large columns, a very large open area, a peaked facade. It really is a magnificent building, and there's a piazza in the front so you have plenty of space to move around and find interesting vantage points for the…
