From the course: Travel Photography: New Zealand's Coast

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Taking multiple bracketed exposures to capture a wider dynamic range

Taking multiple bracketed exposures to capture a wider dynamic range

From the course: Travel Photography: New Zealand's Coast

Taking multiple bracketed exposures to capture a wider dynamic range

- On the first initial walk, I had everything in my bag. And so I wasn't taking shots, but I was taking mental notes. Now on the way back, my camera's out, I've been shooting. So I'm taking little snapshots here to help me visualize the compositions. And I came back to this cave, which I definitely noticed on the way in. And the tide's starting to get a little bit higher, which is great, because the water is coming closer, which is something I like in that foreground. So this cave I think is better than the previous arch. I think it's going to be a little bit stronger. It's also going to be a little bit exposure bracketing. So what we'll do is we'll take an exposure for the cave, and then we'll take an exposure for the distant seastack and the waves and we'll go into post and we'll put those together. I think it's a stronger comp than the previous one. So this is definitely the one that I want to focus on. So as the waves come up, I'm going to do different shutter speeds. I'm not…
