From the course: Travel Photography: New Zealand's Coast

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Exploring the Pancake Rocks location

Exploring the Pancake Rocks location

- We are at Pancake Rocks and the Blowholes. This place is an iconic location. It's signed, there's a boardwalk, so there's a lot of people here, and the access is amazing. To come out this far into the sea with these rock formations. They're called Pancake Rocks for a reason. They're layered, and in such a way that almost seems man-made, and scientists don't know how it was formed. They do know it was formed 35 million years ago under the sea. There's limestone and marine organisms, but they don't understand how it's layered in such a perfect way. So it's really a cool site. But what takes this location to the next level is that high tide. The water gets forced under and shoots straight up in the air, and what we've done is we've timed sunset exactly at high tide. So the peak of high tide and sunset coincide perfectly. Everything here's been based on tides, low tide, high tide, and this is what we've been saving our perfect, high tide sunset for. All right, let's get into the first…
