From the course: Travel Photography: New Zealand's Coast
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Chasing the last of the light on the coast
From the course: Travel Photography: New Zealand's Coast
Chasing the last of the light on the coast
- Put the wide angle lens back on. I came over and I had to wait a long time for one more set to come in but it did and I'm very thankful. Got wonderful texture and water action. Looking at the settings we're at half a second F8 ISO 800 and just great action. Also of course I was using exposure compensation to get the sky so what we're gonna do in post is put these two together and really complete this image. It was so great to take advantage of the high tide. To match sunset and high tide together in order to make this shot happen. This is what I envisioned and it's gonna come true. So I'm very excited about that. Also was a real bonus to see the vantage point of being above the waves. We're very high off the waves and basically looking across the waves. We rarely get to do that. We're usually looking at waves coming at us. So to use the long lens and do some painting techniques with the pink color I'm also really excited about that and think I got an image. So that's a wrap for…
Exploring the Pancake Rocks location1m 4s
Photographing water spray from a blow hole2m 39s
Capturing an abstract image of waves at dusk55s
Chasing the last of the light on the coast57s
Blending exposures from the Pancake Rocks in Photoshop6m 45s
Post-processing the abstract waves image3m 35s