From the course: Transform Classroom Training to E-Learning with Articulate 360
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Overview of free-form question slides - Articulate 360 Tutorial
From the course: Transform Classroom Training to E-Learning with Articulate 360
Overview of free-form question slides
- [Instructor] So with Storyline, you have the flexibility to create both what we call form-based and freeform questions, which means you can really build the type of course or the type of interaction that you need to. So, we looked at form-based questions. Essentially, they're prebuilt templates, and you can certainly customize them a lot. You can add background graphics, you can move things around the slide, but essentially, you're locked into some type of form that's really controlling the overall placement of the interactive objects. And again, add backgrounds, we could even put another background here, we could bring characters in. So there's a lot of ways that we can customize it, but ultimately, there's a limitation there. Now, on the other hand, with the freeform questions, you start essentially with a blank slide and you customize that slide any way you like. So you can build the level of interactivity you want. You can add the layout and position of graphics wherever you…
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Overview of free-form question slides1m 58s
Pick one free-form interactions6m 22s
Text entry free-form interactions5m 13s
Drag-and-drop free-form interactions5m 13s
Expert panels with interactive soundboards5m 2s
Tab interactions7m 36s
Accordion interactions7m 50s
Labeled graphics interactions4m 50s
Flashcard interactions5m 58s