From the course: Toon Boom Storyboard Pro Essential Training

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Flip scenes

Flip scenes

- [Instructor] In Storyboard Pro version 5.5 and later, you can now flip or mirror an entire scene including the art and the camera moves. Now there are times when you may have to flip the direction of a scene so that your characters don't cross the line of action. In other words if it looks like they should be moving towards camera right, but they drawn moving towards camera left, it won't look right in the edit. Now it used to take a long time for us to recreate the camera moves and flip all the layers when flipping an artwork, but now we can flip everything with a simple click. Let's take a look at how easy this is. Alright so here we've got a shot of a character with the camera moves. So the camera is panning towards camera left, as he leaps off his horse and into the train. Now if for some reason the director changes the screen direction in a previous shot or a following shot, and we need this to like he's on the opposite side of the train. He may say or she may say, I need to…
