From the course: Tips to Enhance Emotional Intelligence with Calming Exercises

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Practice 4-7-8 breathing to help regulate strong emotions

Practice 4-7-8 breathing to help regulate strong emotions

From the course: Tips to Enhance Emotional Intelligence with Calming Exercises

Practice 4-7-8 breathing to help regulate strong emotions

- One of the biggest superpowers that you can develop is the ability to control your breathing. This helps you to stay present and focused during moments of stress. Emotional regulation is a critical skill for emotional intelligence, and paying attention to your breathing can make a significant difference. I'll walk you through the four-seven-eight breathing exercise, and I encourage you to do this technique alongside me as you watch. Research shows this tool can help you to calm down your mind and body. It'll slow down your heart rate, provide more oxygen to your brain and organs, and it will help you to stay grounded as well. Think of a minorly stressful situation that you've recently encountered at work. Maybe you were running a little bit late, or you had to present an idea in front of your boss or your whole team. Identify the feelings that you're encountering. It might be anxiety, overwhelm, or even dread. Now, let's practice four-seven-eight breathing to help calm you back…
