From the course: Tips for Overcoming Bad Spending Habits

Spend better

One of the biggest challenges that you might find is breaking bad habits. And some bad habits can be really tough, and some are very easy. A challenge many of us have are breaking bad habits when it comes to overspending. And if you don't break that bad habit, that can lead you to a mountain of debt. My name is Gregory J. Sneed and I'm a financial literacy trainer. And I firmly believe that a gift that was given to me is being not only good with money, but to help people feel better about their money. Because I firmly believe that when you feel better about your money, you feel better about your life. In this course, you'll learn what bad spending habits are. Do they apply to you? And if so, what do you do to fix it? Where do you get information? Who can help you? How do you get help? And what will happen when you stop overspending? If you're ready to overcome your bad spending habits, and even if you're not ready, we'll help you get ready.
