From the course: The Six Morning Habits of High Performers

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Use visualization to motivate yourself

Use visualization to motivate yourself

- [Instructor] Visualization, here's what I'll say. Two things on it. Number one is the world's best athletes almost all of them use visualization including UFC fighters, right. And there's a reason for that. It's they visualize themself performing optimally and achieving their goals so that they go there mentally and emotionally before they ever step on the court or before they ever open the book or before they ever, right. They've already gone there in their mind so when it's realtime, when it's game time, when it's practice them it's that much easier to go there. And the other thing I'll say on visualization is don't just visualize the end result. Visualize, in fact more important, visualize the activity. See yourself getting on the phone to make those calls. See yourself opening your computer to write those words that's going to make that into a book. See yourself going to the gym or lacing up your running…
