From the course: The Six Morning Habits of High Performers

Six practices to get back on track

- This is an audio course, thank you for listening. - I had always wanted to be a professional keynote speaker, Pete, because I had been speaking at all these conferences for my company and that's what I did, and I launched that into a speaking career. And then, fast forward and kind of bringing it to what what led into morning rituals, in 2008 when the us economy crashed, I crashed with it. I lost over half of my coaching clients, I was a coach at the time, half my income in 2008, couldn't pay my mortgage, I lost my house, I canceled my gym membership, my body fat percentage tripled in six months. It was just this real six month downward spiral, and a sequence of events led me to go on a run, and listened to an audio from Jim Rohn. This is the quote that he said on that run, and this quote changed my life faster than I ever thought possible, and it really is the catalyst for the Miracle Morning. And he said, "Your level of success will seldom exceed your level of personal development, because success is something you attract by the person you become." And in that moment, I went, "I'm not dedicating time every day to my personal development, therefore, I'm not becoming the person that I need to be to create the success that I want in my life. And, I had this epiphany that I got to go figure out what the world's most successful people do for their personal development. Googled, "Best personal development practices of millionaires, billionaires, CEOs, Olympians, you name it." And I had a list of six different practices, and they were all timeless. They had all been practiced for centuries. And I almost went, "Well, none of these are new." And I think, we're really conditioned in our society to look for the new; want the new app, the new movie, the new season on Netflix, we just, we want new, new, new, we're all new. - And you got to update the apps like every month. - Yeah, exactly, and so, I almost dismissed these. The epiphany, I finally went, "Wait a minute, I got to, I don't, you know, this is what successful do, I don't do these." And then, the real epiphany was, "Which one of these am I going to do?" And then, I went, "Wait, what if I did all of these?" Even though I wasn't a morning person, I thought, "You know what, if I want my life to improve, I got to improve, I got to wake up an hour earlier, and I got to do one of these six practices." I woke up the next day, I did them, I sucked at all of 'em, but one hour into it, my very first day, my very first hour of what is now called The Miracle Morning, it didn't have an name back then. I felt incredible, I felt confident, for the first time in six months, I felt energized, I felt motivated, I felt like I had clarity. And the realization is, "If I start every day like this where I become a better version of the person I was that went to bed the night before, and I do this consistently day after day, after day, after day, it is only a matter of time before I become the person that I need to be, that can create the success that I want, any level that I want in any and every area of my life." And I thought it would be 6 to 12 months. It was less than two months that I more than doubled my income, I went from being in the worst shape of my life physically, to committing to run a 52 mile ultra marathon. I had never run more than a mile before and my depression went away within a couple of days. And because my life changed so dramatically and so quickly, I started calling it my Miracle Morning, and kind of the rest is history. - That's an awesome story, and it makes sense in terms of having engaged some of these practices. And I love the gumptions, "Okay, I'm going to do all of them." So you've put this together into a shnazzy acronym, SAVERS, standing for these six steps of silence, affirmations, visualization, exercise, reading and scribing, which just means writing.
