From the course: The Six Morning Habits of High Performers
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Make truthful affirmations
From the course: The Six Morning Habits of High Performers
Make truthful affirmations
- [Interviewer] Let's talk about the affirmations next in "The Miracle Mornings," so what do you mean by that and what do you not mean by that? - [Interviewee] First let me just say, I believe they've been taught incorrectly by, or ineffectively, I should say, by self-help gurus if you will, for, I don't know, decades. I don't know how long, but let me define what an affirmation is and then I'll talk about why they've been taught wrong and what I find is the most effective way to do them. An affirmation is simply a written statement that directs your focus towards something of value. The way affirmations have been taught, there are two problems with the way they've been taught for decades, I don't know, centuries. I don't know how long. Number one is a form of affirmation that's essentially lying to yourself, trying to trick yourself into believing something that is not true or is not yet true. So for example, let's say…
Six practices to get back on track3m 42s
Practice silence for greater clarity3m 10s
Stay relaxed but attentive in your silence3m 10s
Make truthful affirmations2m 34s
Craft your affirmations as commitments2m 21s
Use visualization to motivate yourself1m 54s
Boost your energy with morning exercise1m 26s
Read a few pages each day1m 41s
Clarify your priorities by journaling2m 26s
Appreciate your current place in the journey1m 23s