From the course: The Six Morning Habits of High Performers

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Make truthful affirmations

Make truthful affirmations

- [Interviewer] Let's talk about the affirmations next in "The Miracle Mornings," so what do you mean by that and what do you not mean by that? - [Interviewee] First let me just say, I believe they've been taught incorrectly by, or ineffectively, I should say, by self-help gurus if you will, for, I don't know, decades. I don't know how long, but let me define what an affirmation is and then I'll talk about why they've been taught wrong and what I find is the most effective way to do them. An affirmation is simply a written statement that directs your focus towards something of value. The way affirmations have been taught, there are two problems with the way they've been taught for decades, I don't know, centuries. I don't know how long. Number one is a form of affirmation that's essentially lying to yourself, trying to trick yourself into believing something that is not true or is not yet true. So for example, let's say…
