From the course: The OWASP API 2023 Top 10: An Overview

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OWASP and the OWASP API Security project

OWASP and the OWASP API Security project

From the course: The OWASP API 2023 Top 10: An Overview

OWASP and the OWASP API Security project

- [Instructor] There are so many challenges developers face when building applications: functionality features, deadlines, just being better than the competitors. Sometimes, security can be an afterthought and leave these applications vulnerable to attacks. Luckily, there's an organization that focuses on security for the benefit of everyone in this field: OWASP. The Open Web Application Security Project, also known as OWASP, is a nonprofit organization dedicated to improving the security of web applications and software. They have thousands of members and hundreds of chapters all over the world. OWASP provides tools, resources, and training to help developers and tech professionals secure their web applications. However, OWASP was probably best known for the OWASP Top 10 List of Web Application Vulnerabilities. But with the rising number of threats and vulnerabilities facing APIs and the need for resources…
