From the course: The New Age of Risk Management Strategy for Business

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Identifying current and future perils

Identifying current and future perils

- You might be wondering, what's the difference between the risks to my business today and those that will be present in the future? Aren't they mostly the same? As rapidly as technology changes our world, the daily grind of business makes things seem all the same over the course of years. This video is going to explore why identifying risks, both today and in the future, is critical to your business success and profitability. Consider the concerns back in the late 2000s. Business owners then were anxious about the economic climate and financial markets as the world was mired in a recession. Physical dangers caused by fire, tornadoes, hurricanes, theft, and hazardous spills were troubling, and the relatively new worry about loss of digital assets due to a virus was becoming an exposure that couldn't be overlooked. Just 10 years later, a relatively short time in the life of a business, the perils are drastically different.…
