From the course: The New Age of Risk Management Strategy for Business
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Challenge: Artificial intelligence
From the course: The New Age of Risk Management Strategy for Business
Challenge: Artificial intelligence
(bright music) - It's one thing to read about risk management or even watch a video. Don't get me wrong, you should do that, but let's do a practical exercise and specifically we'll address artificial intelligence. In this video, I'll give you a scenario and an assignment based on that scenario. Then in the next video, we'll discuss how best to address that assignment. So here's a scenario. Your employee's online information and behaviors are scraped from social networks like Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. The cyber criminals then utilize bots, AI, to use the information scraped from the accounts to create custom emails that entice the employee to click a link. They are highly sophisticated and look legitimate. Once the employees click, their email accounts are hacked and the bots can email from them to mimic the writing style of your employees. Your client base and suppliers all receive an email sent from your…
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Artificial intelligence in the workplace4m 30s
Challenge: Artificial intelligence1m 52s
Solution: AI risk solution3m 50s
Autonomous vehicles4m 36s
Intellectual property3m 32s
Identity theft for employees and stakeholders3m 37s
Brand risk: Social media4m 59s
Content risks: Podcasts and blogs3m 40s