From the course: The Future of Performance Management

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Understand performance management

Understand performance management

- If our traditional way of thinking about performance needs an overhaul, imagine just how much we need to think differently about performance management. So let's look at performance management as we thought of it using what I call the old rules of work. Traditional performance management has often been thought of as two sets of activities. At the individual level, performance management is about ensuring that workers perform as expected, following processes and delivering the results they've agreed on with their managers. At the macro level, performance management is about ensuring that an organization delivers the results that are expected by all of its core stakeholders. Now those are often shareholders for public companies and boards of directors or other leaders for private and non-profit companies. In a completely logical, rational and highly manageable world, performance management would be very straightforward. Very linear. You'd simply define the kinds of results you want to…
