From the course: The Future of Performance Management
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Performance and virtual teams
From the course: The Future of Performance Management
Performance and virtual teams
- Now, it's increasingly common that teams are comprised of members who don't actually all work in the same location. You can either embrace the opportunity to collaborate with remote workers because it's the future, or you can do it because it's actually a benefit to you personally. Today it's inevitable you're going to be using technology to coordinate and collaborate. Remember that work is skills applied to tasks to solve problems and generate results. If you're already performing a lot of tasks through email and other communications applications, it's often not a huge step to do more and more of it in activities with people who are in a different location. So why is this an advantage to you? Even if you work in a large city the pool of people in your area still has some limitations. If you're able to collaborate with people remotely, you'll find that the pool of people expands to pretty much be infinite. That means more people with the skills and experience you need to accomplish…