From the course: The Future of Performance Management

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Learn the language of skills

Learn the language of skills

- Now out of our four layers of individual performance, skills, tasks, problems and results, the least understood is skills. To truly understand how to track performance, we need to have a very atomic view of skills. That is, we have to break down skills into their component parts so we can better understand the ways that skills can be used to perform tasks, solve problems, and generate results. Dick Bolles, author of What Color Is Your Parachute, calls this the language of skills. There are three kinds. Knowledges, transferables, and traits. In other words, what we know, what we do, and how we do it. Knowledges are bodies of information we have in our heads. Transferables are skills we can use in a range of situations, and how well we manage ourselves in a work situation is determined by our unique traits. How are each of these kinds of skills different in a rapidly changing world in the context of performance management? Knowledges are usually critical for very specific activities…
