From the course: The Future of Performance Management
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How technology and globalization impact performance management
From the course: The Future of Performance Management
How technology and globalization impact performance management
- Change is happening at an exponential pace. Now what does that mean? Our friends at Singularity University, the educational think tank in Silicon Valley, have a very compelling way of explaining it. Suppose you were to take 30 linear steps, each about a meter or a yard long. At the end of 30 steps you'd have taken, well, 30 steps. But if you were to take an exponential walk, your first step would be about a meter, but the second step would be two meters. The next one four, the next eight, and so on. By the time you'd taken 30 exponential steps, you'd have gone about a billion meters, or 250 times around the planet. Exponential changes are having a profound effect on our organizations, our institutions, and even on our personal lives. Look at how many leaps in technology we already take for granted. Apple's iPhone, the first smart phone, was only released in 2007. Self driving trucks and cars, once thought to be absolutely impossible, are now in use around the world. It's not just…