From the course: The Future of Performance Management

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Design for high performance

Design for high performance

- You see it regularly in the performance of athletes. Whenever a commentator says that someone was performing "above their level," the implication is that someone has exceeded what was expected of them. There's a growing body of knowledge that psychologists say can help to encourage high performance, performance that's so far beyond what we thought was achievable that we thought it was impossible. So, what are some of the ways that we can dramatically step up performance? The first is to invest in learning techniques that can change the context of performance. That means using techniques such as mindfulness, meditation, and yoga to give your mind the chance to focus in ways you may not have been able to achieve before. You'll also benefit from exercises that improve your creativity, and therefore your ability to solve problems. The second is to seek out the expertise and experience of others you respect, who perform at the level you're looking for. Sometimes the slightest change in…
