From the course: The Four Phases of Women's Careers

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Getting the most from your 40s

Getting the most from your 40s

- So how do women and companies get the best out of the 40s? Strangely, by flipping our mindsets about career timelines entirely. For many people, the 40s is starting to feel a bit old, especially in very youth oriented cultures or countries like Tech in Silicon Valley. But in an age of longevity where careers are stretching into 60 year marathons, and we may increasingly be working into our 70s, the 40s may just be the concluding decade of the first half of adulthood. So counterintuitively, perhaps I'll suggest that the 40s is about concluding the first half of your career, the 25 years before 50, and consolidating the foundations on which you will build the second half, the 25 years after 50. That's why this section is called Prepare. For women, three rules. First, address assumptions. Recognize that most companies are still normed on the traditional linear male career ladder. They may also be both ageist and sexist. The two together is referred to as gendered ageism. If you want to…
