From the course: The DIY Photographer

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Setting up a studio-style backdrop workspace

Setting up a studio-style backdrop workspace

From the course: The DIY Photographer

Setting up a studio-style backdrop workspace

- Hi, and welcome to The DIY Photographer. I'm your host Joseph Linaschke. You know, as a photographer it can be a lot of fun to shoot in a studio. You've got backdrops and lights and lots of space to work in and that can be awesome but the fact is most of us don't have the budget to set up a studio or even the need for it. Maybe you're just doing a few head shots here and there and you need a good background and good lighting but you just don't need all that space. Well the good news is you can set up a simple studio in your home for next to nothing. Now the first part of the studio backdrop is the backdrop itself and you can see something set up behind me here, and in this video we're going to talk about how to hang that backdrop for next to nothing at all. Now the backdrop material that you see actually came out of a different video that we did so if you haven't seen it, run off and check that one out, it's pretty cool. It was all about buying fabric in the fabric store to set up…
