From the course: The DIY Photographer

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Rigging up a cold shoe accessory bar

Rigging up a cold shoe accessory bar

From the course: The DIY Photographer

Rigging up a cold shoe accessory bar

- Today's DSLRs and mirrorless cameras shoot awesome video, but sometimes you need a little bit more than just the camera and the lens. For example, you might want to add a light to it. There's some great little LED lights out there that you can just put onto the hot shoe on your camera. There's a little light here. I can turn that on, get a little extra light on my subject, and that's awesome. Great, that's cool! Or you might want to add a microphone. This is an external microphone. This little plug here is going to plug into the camera and give me even better sound. But the problem right now is if I want to put the microphone and the light on the camera at the same time, there's not really any good way to do it. There's only one hot shoe on the camera, and these are both designed to plug into that. So what I need to do is use a little bit of DIY ingenuity and come up with a solution that we can make on our own. So here's what we've got. This little tool here is called a mending…
