From the course: The DIY Photographer

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Making your own diffusion panels for hot-light work

Making your own diffusion panels for hot-light work

From the course: The DIY Photographer

Making your own diffusion panels for hot-light work

- We all know that the best way to diffuse light, meaning you have hard light to start with and you want to turn it into soft light, is to use, well, a diffuser. Now you can go out and buy diffusion panels. They come in all shapes and sizes. They can twist down into little circles and then pop out into big ones, and those are pretty awesome. But they can get kind of expensive, especially as you get into the really big ones. So what we're going to do here is DIY our own diffusion panels using nothing more than screen window frames and a little bit of acetate. So here we go. Starting off with this kit right here. This is a screen window kit. This is 60 inches long. This allows us to build a 60 by 60 inch square. It comes with all four sides and the four corners that we need. Now what's really cool about these kits is that you can actually cut this to any size you want. You could cut these in half and have two 30 by 30 squares. All you'd have to do is go out and buy another set of the…
