From the course: The DIY Photographer

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Making a flash diffuser out of a plastic cup

Making a flash diffuser out of a plastic cup

From the course: The DIY Photographer

Making a flash diffuser out of a plastic cup

- Hi, and welcome to The DIY Photographer. I'm your host, Joseph Linaschke. Today, we're outdoors shooting in bright, hard sunlight, trying to take pictures of these lovely little flowers here. But as you can see, the sun is so hard on it, that it's really creating some unflattering shadows. So what I really want to do is diffuse the light, but I don't wanna have to set up a big diffusion panel on here. So I have an idea of something we can build for next to nothing, that will allow us to diffuse that light beautifully. So let's head into the studio and check it out. Here we are back in the studio, ready to solve this problem. Remember, we have hard sun of the day, shining on our teeny-tiny little flower, making nasty little shadows. We don't want that. We wanna diffuse that light, make it nice and soft, and the way we're gonna do that is with this plastic cup. Now look closely at this cup, it is not clear, and it is not solid. It is translucent, it is white, we don't wanna have a…
