From the course: The DIY Photographer

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Creating simple but effective reflective panels

Creating simple but effective reflective panels

From the course: The DIY Photographer

Creating simple but effective reflective panels

- Sometimes when you're shooting, you need to bounce some light from one place to another. Whether you're shooting outdoors with natural available light or you're shooting in a studio with a constant light or even a strobe, sometimes having a reflector can come in really handy. But sometimes you don't have enough reflectors or maybe you don't have any at all and you just need to make your own. Well this is a great DIY project. You can make a reflector out of nothing more than aluminum foil and a bit of cardboard. The only other things you need is a bit of tape to hold it together and something to cut the cardboard up with. So we're going to build two simple reflectors, two different approaches to it, and then take them into the studio and see how they work. Well let's get started. You can build a reflector at any size that you want. I'm going to make a pretty big one here, but of course I could make a little one like this or I could even cut tiny little shapes out of the cardboard…
