From the course: The Business of Songwriting: First Steps

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Music placement

Music placement

In the past when it came to getting your music out in the public your main goal was to get your songs on the radio. These days however, radio playlists are shorter and more crowded than ever and getting your music onto anything other than the weekly local music show at 10 p.m. on Sunday night can be a frustrating and fruitless pursuit. Fortunately as we've touched on, there are many other outlets for your music these days like internet radio, online music stores, and streaming sites. Another potential outlet to explore is to get your music placed in TV shows, films, or advertisements. As we saw in chapter one, getting your music into a video based production automatically gets you master and sync licensing royalties. And if the show or ad your song appears in becomes popular you'll have even more people being exposed to and searching for your music. These days even many major label artists are happy to have their music included in commercials for hip and popular companies because it…
