From the course: The Best of Word Tips Weekly

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Place an image inside a shape

Place an image inside a shape

- [Instructor] In this week's Word Tip we're going to add some visual interest to a plain document by adding an image, but we can add some visual interest to that image by placing it inside a shape. There's a couple of different ways to do this. That's what we're going to do with this document. If you're following along and have the exercise files, Landon082, but you could be working with your own document, even a blank page. Over here on the right-hand side we have some white space where it might be nice to add an image, something to do with London, maybe even put it inside a shape. One option is to add the shape first and then put an image inside it. The other option is to add the image and crop it to a shape. Let's start with our shape, we do that by going to the Insert tab. Now click Shapes and you'll see a number of different shapes to choose from. Let's go with something like the Heart shape, that way we can portray our love for London. By clicking and dragging over here on the…
