From the course: Technical SEO

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Helping crawlers understand international websites

Helping crawlers understand international websites

From the course: Technical SEO

Helping crawlers understand international websites

- Presenting a website to visitors in more than one language is more than just offering a Google Translate button on the page. In order for search engines to understand the languages that you offer and what countries you're targeting, you'll need to implement what are called hreflang tags. The hreflang tag was introduced as a way to mark up pages to indicate the target language and region or just language that the page is intended for. For example, if you have different content for audiences in English-speaking Canada and English-speaking United States, you would have hreflang tags for en-CA and en-US. But if instead you have content in English and in Spanish, regardless of where those people live in the world, then you would have hreflang tags for en and es. You can even combine hreflang combinations, such as en-CA, en-US, and es without a locale specified. Additionally, you'll want to consider what language is your default. That's for people coming to the site who aren't searching…
