From the course: Tableau Speed and Performance

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Parameter and set actions

Parameter and set actions - Tableau Tutorial

From the course: Tableau Speed and Performance

Parameter and set actions

- [Instructor] Filter alternatives, like parameter actions and set actions, can provide similar functionality while improving workbook performance. Parameter and set actions are created from the same menu as filter actions and operate in a similar way, but instead of being applied directly to the filter shelf, they will impact their corresponding parameters or sets. Parameter actions will push dimensional values from sheets into parameters, which will impact calculations and filters. Set actions will push dimensional values from sheets into sets, which will also impact calculations, filters, and marks. Since sets and parameters can be integrated into calculations, filters, or directly applied against marks, it makes them customizable and multifaceted, while also being more efficient than regular filters. Sets and parameters are executed quicker because of the way they're applied in the SQL and the Tableau order of operations. Remember that there are some limitations to sets and…
