From the course: Tableau Speed and Performance

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Mapping options

Mapping options

- [Instructor] Mapping is one of Tableau's major strengths, but geospatial features need to be applied carefully to minimize the impact on performance. There are three primary areas to consider when dealing with maps and performance. The first is map types. The two main types of maps available in Tableau are symbol and filled maps. Since filled maps produce more mark ink, because they fill an entire area, they will run slightly slower than symbol maps, which just produce circles in the center of the region shown. Next are custom territories. Custom territories allow users to create custom geospatial groups to facilitate new territories within the data. It's important to note that users should try to create their own groups with the highest grain geospatial data possible. So if you only need state level data group, don't create a custom territory using zip level data. The reason for this is that Tableau first processes the lower grain data layer and then renders your custom territory…
