From the course: Tableau: Mastering Calculations

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Syntax of LOD calculations

Syntax of LOD calculations - Tableau Tutorial

From the course: Tableau: Mastering Calculations

Syntax of LOD calculations

There are three different expressions we can use in a level of detail calculation. When we want to aggregate at a higher level of detail than the current visualization level, we use EXCLUDE. This means that we heed all dimensions currently in our view, except the ones specified by EXCLUDE. If we want to aggregate at a more granular level, we use INCLUDE. This means we use the existing dimensions in the view, but we also include the dimension specified by our INCLUDE statement. Sometimes we want to completely ignore the current visualization level and not even think about it. Instead, we want to specify a certain level of detail completely independent from our visualization level. It can be higher, it can be lower, or it can even incidentally be at the same level. We don't care. We want our level of detail fixed to a set of specific dimensions. So that's why we use FIXED. The level of detail calculation follows a specific syntax, which I would like to show you here before we start…
