From the course: Tableau: Mastering Calculations
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Syntax foundations and the Calculation Editor - Tableau Tutorial
From the course: Tableau: Mastering Calculations
Syntax foundations and the Calculation Editor
The calculation editor consists of four areas. Area number one is the name. Now please always, always enter a meaningful name for your formula here. Trust me, even if you're still trying out different functions, you will be grateful later on, if you are not sitting in front of the calculation 1 through calculation 27 and wondering in which field you are calculating what exactly. I will call this one footprint. Below, we have the formula window. We will use this to enter functions and operators here in order to form the formula. If you hold down the Ctrl key and scroll, you can zoom the font size in here. This is particularly helpful if you are discussing formulas with your colleagues in a virtual meeting. What I find particularly helpful is this inconspicuous triangle on the right edge of the calculation editor. Please do yourself a favor, click on it now and never close the newly opened area again. Here we can find the list of functions that Tableau enables with the current data…
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