From the course: Tableau: Mastering Calculations

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Minimum and maximum

Minimum and maximum

Sometimes we aren't interested in the average values, but we rather want to highlight outliers. We calculate extreme values primarily with minimum and maximum, seen as MIN and MAX in Tableau. For example, we want to know the processing time for each ship mode. What is the fastest or slowest processing time that our customers can expect from us? If you forgot how we calculated the processing time, please refer back to Chapter 2, when we calculated simple intervals between two points in time. Minimum and maximum sought the values of all rows involved into a long list and return the first or last value of the list, respectively. It's important to note that empty values are skipped, but as soon as at least one value is present, the minimum and maximum can be calculated. Let's take a look at that in Tableau. When we drag processing time into columns, we can use the context menu to change the type of aggregation, for example, to either minimum or if we drag it in again, we can also change…
