From the course: Tableau: Mastering Calculations

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FIXED LOD calculations

FIXED LOD calculations

In the previous two videos, you've already learned how to aggregate at a higher and a lower level of detail than the visualization level. What are we missing then? The third keyword, FIXED, allows you to aggregate at a freely chosen level of detail, completely independent of the dimensions used in your view. We want to show this using the example of a cohort analysis. We are currently looking at our sales per year. We see that our total price value is increasing from year to year. We now want to know whether those purchases come from existing customers or from new customers. To do this, we calculate the year of each customer's first purchase. Let's create a new calculated field called cohort. In this, we use FIXED and Tableau again automatically inserts the curly bracket. We forget all of the dimensions that our view users, we are only interested in the customer ID and that is exactly what we enter here. After the colon, we want to determine the first date of purchase, so we use…
