From the course: Tableau: Mastering Calculations
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Documenting calculations - Tableau Tutorial
From the course: Tableau: Mastering Calculations
Documenting calculations
One last note before we start writing our first calculations ourselves. Documentation can make life much easier for you and your colleagues. We have several options of documenting what we are doing. One option can be documentation directly within the formula. You can store comments in the formula editor. So let's edit the one calculation that we already created. Single-line comments start with two forward slashes. This is particularly helpful, for example, for commenting on individual segments of a formula. You can also insert these comments at the end of the line behind the formula text. For example, this one converts footprint to decimal. Longer comments can be added as block comments. You start them with a forward slash and an asterisk, and at the end, it's the other way round, an asterisk and a forward slash. This can be useful to add a comment at the beginning of the formula, or at the end explaining what the formula does. In my case, I want to add some explanation of what…
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