From the course: Tableau: Mastering Calculations

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Absolute and relative differences

Absolute and relative differences - Tableau Tutorial

From the course: Tableau: Mastering Calculations

Absolute and relative differences

We just saw how we can calculate cumulative values over time using the running total. This time, we don't want to calculate a running total, but rather look at how much our sales are growing. This is great to see if our business is experiencing a healthy growth. Are we growing steadily? Are we growing exponentially faster and faster every year? Are we barely growing, making the same sales figures every year? Or are we even in decline and should urgently do something to counteract that trend? To determine that, we want to look at the difference to the previous period. In this specific case, the difference to the previous year. I've already inserted the total price four times so that we can look at the different values in parallel. Let's start in the context menu and go to Quick Table Calculation. Let's select the "Difference" first. Difference shows us the absolute difference compared to the previous year. Alternatively, we can select the "Percent Difference". This shows us the…
