From the course: Tableau Essential Training

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Show or hide worksheet elements

Show or hide worksheet elements - Tableau Tutorial

From the course: Tableau Essential Training

Show or hide worksheet elements

- [Instructor] After you have created a visualization, it's likely that you will want to remove some elements from the Tableau interface so you'll have a better view of your data. In this movie I will show you how to hide elements of the interface. I'll work with the sample workbook 03_05_Elements. You can find that in the chapter three folder of the exercise files collection. This workbook contains two sheets, and I'm currently looking at the tree map. There are elements of the user interface that you can show or hide. So that could be the sidebar here, also called the navigation pane. And then you have various cards such as pages, filters, and marks, and that also includes the columns and rows shelves. I'll start by showing you how to minimize or hide the sidebar over here. To do that, go up to the top right corner of the sidebar and click this left pointing caret. It looks like a less than sign. And you see that…
