From the course: Tableau Desktop Specialist Cert Prep
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Mapping and analytics - Tableau Tutorial
From the course: Tableau Desktop Specialist Cert Prep
Mapping and analytics
- [Narrator] In this section, we'll cover mapping and analytics, which will include geospatial data, mapping, and the analytics pane. Let's take a look at the different skills that we'll cover in the mapping and analytics section of this course. These will include geospatial data, the mapping workspace, map layers, custom mapping, the analytics pane, and advanced analytics. Some common use cases related to the mapping and analytics skillset include mapping various types and levels of geospatial data, conducting geographic analyses by layering on demographic and quantitative data, building custom maps using non geographic data, and applying regression, forecasting, and cluster analysis for predictive analytics. Note that in each of the sections of this course, we'll be covering the primary topics needed to pass the Tableau specialist and certified associate exams. We won't be covering all topics in great depth, rather enough to understand the fundamentals and apply them in the exam…
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Mapping and analytics1m 15s
Geospatial data3m 45s
The mapping workspace4m 23s
Map layers3m 15s
Custom territories2m 19s
Background images4m 15s
Common mapping issues5m 52s
The analytics pane3m
Regression models2m 7s
Trend lines2m 42s
Forecasting4m 9s
Control charts3m 56s
Box plots2m 2s