From the course: Tableau Desktop Specialist Cert Prep

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Creating sets

Creating sets

- [Instructor] Sets are custom fields that define a subset of data based on some conditions. Sets can be either constant or computed, and can be made more dynamic by using set actions. It should be noted that sets are different from groups because they're broken into two buckets, either in or out of a set, while groups combine values into very specific groups of particular dimensions. Groups are constant, but sets can be computed or actioned. There are two ways that sets can be created. To create sets from the field, right click any dimension, choose Create, and then choose Set. To create sets from your view, select a dimension in the view, right click, choose the Set icon, which looks like a Venn diagram, Create Set, and then choose your dimensions to include in your set. There are two types of sets, including constant and computed. Constant sets are manually selected from a list. Those selected are included, also known as in, and the others are not, also known as out. Computed sets…
