From the course: Synchro Essential Training

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Saving your views with viewpoints

Saving your views with viewpoints - Synchro Tutorial

From the course: Synchro Essential Training

Saving your views with viewpoints

- [Instructor] If there's a specific view that you want to save in Synchro, you can save the view by going to Viewpoints then right clicking in the white Viewpoints box. Select on add and that will add a new viewpoint based off of your current view. Now you can rename your viewpoint to anything you'd like it to be. I'll name this viewpoint Construction Office then click off of the viewpoint and now we can see we have that saved viewpoint. Now, click on a corner of the view cube to move away from our current viewpoint. To get back to that viewpoint, underneath Viewpoints, select on the Construction Office. Right click, then activate in the selected 3D view to take you back to that view.
