From the course: Swift 5 Essential Training

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Getting Xcode

Getting Xcode

- [Instructor] Before writing any Swift code, we'll need to install Xcode on our local machines, which you can find by searching the app store app. Swift 5 came out with Xcode 10.2, so any later versions you may be working with are still compatible with the course. Go ahead and hit get or update your already installed version, grab a cup of coffee and wait for the download to complete. After that's done, go ahead and unzip the file and drag Xcode into the applications folder before booting it up. This is an important step as moving the program later on can cause problems. Once Xcode is safely in your applications folder, go ahead and boot it up. Right away you'll see three options in the dashboard. Start a playground, create a new project, or clone an existing project. Now an Xcode playground is exactly what it sounds like a place to test and play with code in a Sandbox environment. We'll be working exclusively in…
