From the course: Swift 5 Essential Training
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Core set methods - Swift Tutorial
From the course: Swift 5 Essential Training
Core set methods
- [Instructor] Because sets only store unique values, there are a number of useful operations that we can perform with them, that would require a lot of hard coded logic if we were using something like an array or dictionary type. I've already copied over the activeQuests set from the last playground, so we can get right to work. Now, all the set operations we're going to use in this example need a second set to work against. So we're going to create a new variable here. We're going to call this completedQuests, type Set, let type inference do its thing. We're going to add some initial values. We're going to say, Big Boss, All-4-One, and The Hereafter. Perfect. Now the four fundamental set operations are intersection, difference, union, and subtraction, all of which pretty much do exactly what they sound like. So if we wanted to return a new set containing all the common values between both sets, we could declare a…
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Gathering inventory with collections24s
Swift arrays4m 27s
Core array methods6m 47s
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Core dictionary methods7m 6s
Working with sets4m 12s
Core set methods3m 35s
Swift tuples5m 10s
Challenge: Merchant shop32s
Solution: Merchant shop5m 19s