From the course: Swift 5 Essential Training

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Challenge: Player stats

Challenge: Player stats - Swift Tutorial

From the course: Swift 5 Essential Training

Challenge: Player stats

(upbeat electronic music) - Now, I've got my first challenge for you. We're going to focus on creating player stats, different variable types, performing basic operations on them, and printing them out. I've chosen to leave out optionals from this challenge because I haven't shown you the correct way to handle them yet, and I don't want you to get into any force unwrapping bad habits. Feel free to take this challenge beyond what I've laid out if you feel inspired. These challenges are just a baseline. They're not a ceiling. Now this shouldn't take you more than 5 to 10 minutes, but if you're feeling stuck, refer back to the playground examples, or jump into the next video and follow along with my solution. Happy coding.
