From the course: Sway Essential Training

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Modify the Storyline

Modify the Storyline

- [Instructor] I'm going to open the Sway I created earlier, KinetEco Incorporated, an alternative energy company. At the top, we have two tabs, storyline and design. Now, if I click on design, this is as if I played it but without any animation. So if I wanted to change styles of my presentation, change my fonts and so on. I would do that here. Everything else, though, everything related to our content. We're going to do here in the storyline. In the storyline. each piece of content is on a card of its own. So we have, for example, a text card and it says text card here at the top. More text cards, a heading one card, an image card, and so on. What types of cards do we have? Well, if you click the plus button to insert content, you can see that we have some suggested cards in other words, frequently used, but the three major types we have are text, where we have heading one in text, media, image, video, audio…
