From the course: Supporting Allyship and Anti-Racism at Work
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Publicly call out microaggressions and racist behavior
From the course: Supporting Allyship and Anti-Racism at Work
Publicly call out microaggressions and racist behavior
- Imagine this. You're an indigenous American participating in a project meeting and one of your colleagues makes a comment that you find racially offensive. What do you do? The truth is that individuals do sometimes make comments or display behaviors that are racially insensitive or worse oftentimes in a public group setting. And it's important to address these whether they're directed to you or not. They're sometimes called microaggressions because they may seem minor, but over time, the cumulative impact can be huge. Sometimes referred to as death by a thousand cuts, they include things like dismissing comments from a person of color, assuming the one person of color on the team should handle any diversity-related issues, or making offensive comments that reflect a stereotype. There's no one right way to address microaggressions. Sometimes they should be addressed in the moment. Other times, it might be better to…