From the course: Succession Planning
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Succession planning communication and timeline
From the course: Succession Planning
Succession planning communication and timeline
- A good place to start communicating about succession planning is with a letter that will go out to the organization. In the exercise files, I've included a sample letter and timeline that you can download at your convenience. The letter should explain what succession planning is and why it's important to the organization to go through the process. Be sure to tell your employees that your leaders understand that the talent in the organization is the competitive advantage, and that one of the ways you are working to secure the future of the organization is to identify and develop the future leaders. Also, in the letter, be sure to explain the process with the following key points. You are in the process of determining the criteria that will be used to identify and develop your leaders. If you use leadership competencies for this, then you can explain that in the letter. Some companies use values and leadership competencies,…
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