From the course: Succession Planning
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Succession planning alignment with company values
From the course: Succession Planning
Succession planning alignment with company values
- Succession planning can be done in a number of ways, and I can't cover them all here, so I will share a best practice model that you can use to help your organization move from where you are into a mature, meaningful succession planning process. The model we'll focus on is a competency-based model. Competencies are a set of attributes and behaviors needed to be successful within your organization. An example of a competency is critical thinking. Your organization may need leaders who are good critical thinkers in order to be successful. One behavior that might go with this competency is the ability to make decisions that impact problems at their cause rather than just the symptom. In a competency-based model, the organization develops a core set of competencies, usually six to eight, and then chooses the behaviors that go with each competency. We suggest five behaviors per competency. Then, these competencies become…
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