From the course: Studying for the Certified Business Analysis Professional (CBAP)®

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Your requirements analysis and design definition experience

Your requirements analysis and design definition experience

From the course: Studying for the Certified Business Analysis Professional (CBAP)®

Your requirements analysis and design definition experience

- Now, this is the fun part. How you know you're being an analyst? You're diving into the details. You're finding out why things work the way they are. You're asking for thoughts and ideas and coming up with products and solutions. This is requirements analysis and design definition. This can be the easiest part as whether you have the BA title or not. You're simply defining what the work is. Think about your current or last project, where you were having to work with a team. Did you know why you were doing what you were doing? How are you going to do the work? What was expected to be delivered or completed at the end? To answer all those questions, you had to do requirements analysis. You needed to work with the team to develop solution ideas and select one, and actually implement it. All those questions about how and where and who and what yes, those meetings and review sessions, that's analyzing the requirements.…
