From the course: Strategies for Your First 90 Days in a New Job

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Maximize your time and effort at your new job

Maximize your time and effort at your new job

From the course: Strategies for Your First 90 Days in a New Job

Maximize your time and effort at your new job

- At a new job, your hard work speaks for itself, right? Wrong. We have this notion that to do well in a job and to get promoted, we need to work hard and others will notice but timing time again, that is disproven. Well, yes. Your performance does matter while on the job. There are two other are larger factors that are predictors of whether or not you will be perceived as a high performer. In this lesson, we will walk through each of the factors to ensure you're spending your time, and effort on things that are most likely to result in bonuses, promotions and raises. Harvey Coleman in his book, "Empowering Yourself The Organizational Game Revealed." Talks about how he reached a glass ceiling in his career. Didn't know how to break through it. And through his research, discovered something that he wasn't expecting that is simple yet powerful, pie. This isn't a cookbook, but pie stands for three factors…
