From the course: Strategies for Your First 90 Days in a New Job

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Build out your 90-day plan

Build out your 90-day plan

- How do you know if you're successful at your new job? It's normal to start a new job, look around and think, "Am I living up to their expectations?" What's so important is to establish a realistic 90-day plan that will be the roadmap that will help you and your manager to align on what success looks like in your role. If you have a well-organized manager, they have already created a plan for you, or at least set your 90-day goals, though not all of us are quite so fortunate to have a leader like that. Let's look at the exercise file and put in anything your manager has already provided for you and then add anything they missed. The first section is important department context. In your onboarding process, ask others' goals and responsibilities. And that is going to be invaluable when determining where to spend your own time. This section can be quickly filled out in a meeting with your manager. The next section is…
